ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者のAのレビュー・感想・評価

ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者(2012年製作の映画)
ジャンゴはJamey Foxx じゃなすか🤣🤣

so the story is about the Slavery age in the US so it is before Civil War. that’s why there was no rules for African American at that time which means they had no rights but some were free men.

But the thing is that i can see how much white privilege whites had and how strong they were.

Also how they treated slaves was really horrible like slaves were like their toys … i just can’t believe that how could you … how could you do it to human beings…

So if you are interested in African American culture or how it was, i strongly recommend this.

But on the other hand, they had many scenes that made me laugh tho 😂
Because Gjango was so crazy that he was literally great at shooting and killing people lol
and the dentist was also smart so i liked their relationship too lol

And at last i liked the ending too, iykyk ;)