



I'd wanted to see this film for quite a while because of its hype and it didn't disappoint a tiny bit. The reason behind the naming of the film title didn't make sense to me at first but after giving it some thought my interpretation is this; one. it's mocking the seemingly ridiculous questions asked by the counselor in regards to how often she's forced into sex. To her it doesn't matter how often because if it happens even once it happens. (With this said it's a very intense crucial plot point in the film and it'll break your heart.) Two. In a stark contrast to the questions on the frequency of possible sexual abuse, the friendship of two young women is never in doubt. The film tells you the importance of being supportive to your friend no matter what. It someone is kind to you 'sometimes', maybe they are not so special to you.

For these reasons I made my original Uniqlo t shirt with the film title on the front.
