
フォー・グッド・デイズ/母と娘の4日間 ~あなたを守るために~のkateのレビュー・感想・評価

This film got me a sense of relief that I'm born in a kind of a country where drags can't be reached that comparatively easy because seriously I could end up like Molly(main character who's addicted to drags). There's a bunch of stuffs which're addictive as heroine. Sugar, cigs,phone, sns,pain killar, aren't harmful as drags though, they can be when in a certain amount.My addictions to them surely have caused problems to me, say I got my colitis ulcerative which'll ever be uncured due to my addiction. In that sense, I feel Molly even tho it must be way much harder in her case.I know how hard to be getting clean from our addiction. Brain just looses its lontrol of itself it feels like controlled by a parasite. In its last part, there's no sugar coated ending, she couldn't refrain by herseld after all. Somehow she got over after that but could've died or go back to the hellish days, lost her last chance. I'm sure her mother won't give her one another shot.
