


It’s like, you know how people idolize, you know, athletes, and musicians, and painters, and stuff? Yeah, those people are idiots. What they do, it doesn’t matter. They play with inflatable balls and ukuleles and shit. Chefs, they play with the raw materials of life itself. And death itself.

Good evening. Welcome to Hawthorn. I am Julian Slowik, and tonight it’ll be our pleasure to feed you. The curtain rises. Over the next few hours you will ingest fat, salt, sugar, protein, bacteria, fungi, various plants and animals, and, at times, entire ecosystems. But I have to beg of you one thing. It’s just one. Do not eat. Taste. Savor. Relish. Consider every morsel that you place inside your mouth. Be mindful. But do not eat. Our menu is too precious for that. And look around you. Here we are on this island. Accept. Accept all of it. And forgive. And on that note, food!
こんばんは。ホーソーンへようこそ。私はジュリアン・スローヴィクです。今宵、皆様に喜んで食事を提供差し上げます。さぁ、幕は上がります。これからの数時間で皆様は、脂肪、塩、砂糖、タンパク質、バクテリア、菌類、様々な植物や動物、そして生態系の全てを摂取します。でも一つお願いがあります。たった一つです。食べないでください。味を、香りを、味わうのです。口の中に入れる、その一口一口を考えてみてください。よく考えるのです。でも、食べないでください。我々共のメニューは貴重過ぎるものとなっております。そして、皆様の周りを見回してみてください。 私達は今この島にいます。受け入れるのです。全てを受け入れてください。そしてその全てを許してください。それではこちらに留意して頂き、食べ物を!

Let you live? No! Of course not. Can’t you see that that would ruin the menu? We’re all gonna due tonight. Isn’t that right?
ーYes, Chef!!
Do, the question is, do you wanna die with those who give, or with those who take?

What happens to an artist when he loses his purpose? It’s pitiful.
