

As I watched 'War Horse,' I couldn't help but consider the evident dualism between the British and the Germans, a perspective that seemed rather stark. While I understand that war films often adopt a dualistic view, especially when based on novels or a single protagonist's perspective, I found myself questioning if this approach might have adverse effects on the reputations of the depicted armies, even considering the historical context.
Despite this dualism, the movie is visually stunning, and its scenes are beautifully crafted. The storyline's punchlines are clear and easy to understand. It seems that Steven Spielberg, with his mastery in filmmaking, possesses a seemingly innate ability to captivate audiences over the course of long films. Perhaps, in his hands, the art of storytelling becomes a 'god-given' gift, skillfully engaging viewers in the narrative.
In conclusion, 'War Horse' may present a dualistic view of the British and Germans, which raises questions about the portrayal of historical events. However, Spielberg's directorial brilliance shines through in the film's aesthetics and narrative, making it a visually captivating and emotionally resonant experience for audiences.
