


(Probably most people would experience similar dis-communication even with their close, significant others, if not they are deaf cuz translating what you are thinking/ feeling into words is arguably the most difficult and I do believe that’s why arts exist)

(Plus why I gravitated toward Philo’s creation clicked to me all of a sudden so I’m gonna leave here
I think society is now full of noise, which is sort of “normal” for most people including me. However, words that we use were originally constructed by a society to contribute to its development. As a result, we are pretty much dependent on words.
(Even literatures and poems are also art tho)

Though she(I know many other artists such as Martin Margiela)did not accept that many interviews, at least she said she did not need to talk because her design and creation would tell everything.
Her attempt to leave massages to the world through her design and clothes directly from her heart was such beautiful and that is the ultimate art.
(But here is a contradiction that it would be almost impossible to create authentic arts out of a commercial context. The balance btw commercial and artistic/aesthetic value can dominate the biggest part of aesthetics)
