
マン・ダウン 戦士の約束の3ioのレビュー・感想・評価

マン・ダウン 戦士の約束(2015年製作の映画)
This isn't an action war movie.
This is what people have to face this issue.
This is happening.

The story goes backward and forward. And the movie gets started with a scene of a rough town so I couldn't even guess how the story goes to the end.
It worked for me and I think better to not get an information or plot of this movie before seeing this. It's more effective if you don't know what kind of story it is. On the other hand, you'll be confused for sure.

This remains me a movie named American Sniper. When I see this kind of movies, I always think that war makes us nothing happy.

Man down. I love you.
