
続·ボラット 栄光ナル国家だったカザフスタンのためのアメリカ貢ぎ物計画のShowgoBondのレビュー・感想・評価

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
日本語/English レビュー

(P.S mockumentary = ドキュメンタリー風に作られた映画)

•14 years after the success of the first Borat (2006), Cohen came back as Borat again. This is, as we all had expected, as hilarious and in a way, silly as the first one thanks to Cohen’s incredible performance and also the budding actress, Maria Bakalova’s. She held me in awe till the end. However, with the presidential election coming up shortly, this mockumentary could be something more than a film for some viewers. Some might think “Good job, Cohen for revealing how crazy America is to the world, using the actual footage that lowkey proves the Vice president’s salaciousness. Whereas, some might find it extremely biased. That is, Cohen could be a “Mockumentary” version of Micheal Moore in a way.
