


As a fan of Resident Evil 4, as a fan of Leon, I have to say this movie is extremely boring and outrageous. Unbearable to watch your favorite character changed into a useless coward. No idea what they were trying to do with this movie. They borrowed the characters and the story from the game and change all of them into a crap. If they change the characters completely anyway, why didn’t they create new characters like the previous biohazard series (Milla). The series became successful because they created a new version of biohazard. But this one copied the original and added some new aspects, which ruined everything. Maybe if u don’t know the original you can watch it without expectation. But still, I could imagine this movie would have been shit. First, it’s a fucking zombie movie but watching the half of the movie made me feel like watching some kind of a ghost movie despite of knowing there is no ghost. How am I supposed to feel scared? If they are trying to make a zombie movie, try to make it scary with a zombie way. I was almost killed myself watching the half of the movie. And the action was nothing but ordinary. Why Leon is a coward? Why Jill has no class at all? Why Wesker is a cheap bad guy. Why Ada is she? Why when western people cast Asian characters, always cast not good looking one but one with typical stereotype Asian look.
It seems like they are going to make it a series but I think probably they can’t since it got tons shitty reviews. This movie is going to be the worst movie in 2022.