
THIS IS US/ディス・イズ・アス シーズン4のakkkamanのネタバレレビュー・内容・結末



They have to be patient. They have to wait out the bad years... Believing that there is a better year coming. And it always is.

You are gonna be a very important man, Randall. And a lot of important relationships happen on a golf course. Me, I...I hit a ceiling. But for you, there is only sky. So dont get caught on the outside looking in. Sometimes youll have to play up to the competition, sometimes you play down. But play the game.

It was scary for us. But, this is your life...And you have to do what you want.

I dont think you should look at yourself as the person who always gets left. You should look at yourself as the person who willing to stay and fight. its a good thing.

Cause, Im not sweating the small stuff. Hey, I dont know how much longer I have before things get worse, so Im...Im done being sad. And Im done feeling worried. I feel okay. Im strong. You made me strong.

I think the trick is not trying to keep the joys and tragedies apart. But, you kind of got to let them cozy up to one another. You know, letem coexist. And I think that if you can do that, if you can manage to forge ahead with all that joy and heartache mixed up together inside of you, never knowing which ones gonna get the upper hand...And, well life does have a way of shaking out to be more beautiful than tragic.
