

Time Bandits:
At the beginning of the movie Time Bandits, a contrast is made between existing TV shows and the daydreams of children, with parents caring only about the latest kitchen tool from commercials. While traveling with dwarfs, they encountered many troubles as thieves. In terms of political correctness, even in children's fairy tales, adults are concerned that violent scenes might lead to aggressive behavior in children. Personally, I think all humans contain more or less sadistic tendencies and, from infancy, we have to learn how to deal with these impulses. Therefore, although some human-made content can provide a roadmap of morality, we must face the responsibility of making decisions as individuals. The brain's stream of logic is key to developing all thinking processes, from ethos to logos.

New words:
infared: 赤外線の
vermin: 害虫
apparatus: 装置
numerical: 数字で表した
fissil: 分裂しやすい
