


This is the Ghent Altarpiece. It is the defining monument of the Catholic Church. We’re now know that the Nazis have stolen it. Now, while we must, and we will, sir, win this war, we should also remember the high price that will be paid if the very foundation of modern society is destroyed.

So, walk carefully, talk no undue chances, and remember that your lives are more important than a piece of art.

All right, listen up, fellas, ‘cause I think you should know the truth as I see it. This mission was never designed to succeed. It’s a… If they were honest, they’d tell us that. They’d tell us that with this many people dying, who cares about art? They’re wrong. Because that’s exactly what we’re fighting for, for our culture, and for our way of life. You can wipe out a generation of people, you can burn their homes to the ground, and somehow they’ll still come back. But if you destroy their achievements and their history, then it’s like they never existed. Just… ash, floating. That’s what Hitler wants. And it’s the one thing we simply can’t allow.

When we first started this mission, there was some question as to whether we could really call ourselves soldiers. Were we risking as much as these young men fighting and dying? And I suppose it was fair to ask. …We are no longer observers to war. We’re active participants, subject to the same heartache as the rest of these soldiers. When we lost Donald Jeffries, we earned the right to wear the uniform. And now we’ve lost our second man. From the beginning,I told you that no piece of art was worth a man’s life. But these last months have proved me wrong. This is our history, and it’s not to be stolen or destroyed. It’s to be held up and admired , as are these brave men. And now we owe it to them to finish the job.

