

I’ve been thinking why I didn’t go to Taylor’s concert at Tokyo dome. Did I miss a historical moment??ってずっと思っていて。

I’ve started listening Taylor’s song since 2007. I brought her album when I was high school student. To me she is county singer, she is not pops singer. I agree with people who said she wants be a famous more than now. And I think that I just look down the people knew Taylor by Trace house ost.

So, of course I listen her song a lot and I love”Mean”( it’s my song when I was 22)but I didn’t figure it out what is Taylor’s attractions.

But I knew it.
She is so strong and powerful, and most important thing is her hearts is never die.

she has gift, but it’s not only her gift.
what is the important thing is never give up. Never give up our life.
That’s what did I learn for her today.

Please come back to Tokyo! ASAP!
I can join next concert as real fans!!

p.s. バービーのアメリカフェラーラの演説は、このドキュメンタリーからinspireされてるって気付いた。というか、映画全体が。
ummmmm… my most favorite director Greta??!?!
