
パスト ライブス/再会のあやのレビュー・感想・評価

パスト ライブス/再会(2023年製作の映画)
Letterboxdでしばらくずっとpopularとして表示されてて評価高くて、調べたら絶対わたしがみるべき映画なのに一向に日本での公開予定の情報でないからわざわざA24 appでレンタルしてvpn使って視聴 わかる〜〜〜という気持ちとわかんな〜〜という気持ち 結局お互いがお互いのために行動できなかったことが全てだと思う The man I like is like someone who gets the best of both the Korean guy and Nora’s husband, which means that he likes me because I am I and I do me, he’s trying to learn my language to get to know me more and more, and he’s planning to visit me taking a 14 hour flight. I also did what I could do - learned English seriously and changed my company to be able to get a chance to transfer. We’ve been apart for a long time and went through bad times a lot but we now know that we need each other. In the end, actions speak louder than words. I’m not sure what the future holds but hope our relationship works well
