



I watched Double Suicide: Japanese Summer (1967) by Oshima Nagisa. The story is about an amorous young woman and a mopey suicidal man who get locked up in a strange room with a group of killers, hired for an ethereal yakuza battle which never comes. The characters are all references to different social types, philosophical ideas, mental states, etc. that were topical in 1960s Japan. As the night progresses, news broadcasts relay a story about a manhunt for a foreigner who killed a policeman, in which the group begins to take an abiding interest, leading to unforeseen happenings. Double Suicide was made a year before Oshima’s more famous Death by Hanging, and like that one, is extremely intellectually stimulating, poking the brain minute by minute with complicated layers of historical, political, psychosexual, and existential symbolism. It would be fulfilling to parse them all out, but I won’t do that now. Maybe someday. Basically, all of Oshima’s films in the 1960s are trying to trace out a shift in social subjectivity - from organized political ideology to a kind of culturally or technologically mediated (pseudo-)individualism - and this is one of them. I think this is the best of those efforts, mainly because it makes use of cinema more effectively. I mean that it felt more like a filmic experience, rather than an avant-garde stage piece, like Death by Hanging or Song of Sex does. In Double Suicide, there are these expansive diegetic movements and environmental symbolic shots that can only be done through cinema, and that afford a more visceral sense of the film’s main theme: that human experience is always being funneled into sociopolitical moulds to its detriment, that the process of social subjectivity always involves a loss of something crucial. All in all, a rewarding movie. But probably you’d need to watch Oshima’s more famous works first.