
放浪の画家 ピロスマニのなすびのレビュー・感想・評価

放浪の画家 ピロスマニ(1969年製作の映画)


but a man's life is like a small boat in the sea, it goes whichever way the wind blows.

Man's life is as short as a donkey's tail.

Nobody knows what wind is carrying him.

How much vodka am I supposed to drink in this life? Shall I drink it slower and be slaving longer, or drink it all in one take and thus bring my end closer? I can't decide what's better.
Drink up Nico. Drink and don't think about it. Our whole life is a motley river. One ought to go in step with it, uphill or downhill. Otherwise you won't endure its adversities.
I got stuck in the throat of this cursed life. It won't swallow me, nor let me go.

donkey ロバ
colt 子馬
innkeaper 宿屋の主人
goddaughter 名付け娘
rumble ごろごろ鳴る ガラガラ鳴る
locomotive 機関車
afar 遠く
kin 血縁 親族
antlers 枝角
slaving away 離れて
dove 鳩
branch 枝
coo 鳩がクークー鳴く
to and fro あちらこちらに
dagger 短剣
deceive 欺く
squander 浪費する
flour 小麦粉
impious 不敬な
defile よごす
wineskin ぶどう酒を入れる革袋
barrel たる
bull 雄牛
shackle 足かせ
motley 雑多な
ploughing 耕す
sowing 種まき
sackcloth 袋用麻布ズック
pestering 嫌がらせ
