

First and foremost, this film at first visually did not feel like a Demy film (except for the opening tracking shot with the car), but as I was watching, I felt the Demy-ian characters/plots come to life, and his characteristic archetypes came to fruition. Chance encounters in the street, men and women who have taken a few wrong turns in life, Demy's admiration of cars, characters waiting for something. The story was a little bit lack-luster, it didn't feel like it had the wow-factor like his typical work, and maybe was a representation of the reality of the future for these characters. But despite this, I still enjoyed it - it was fun watching Anouk in English, she was beautiful and enigmatic as always. I think the film was also important for furthering Jacques Demy's world, - mentions of Jackie Demaistre, Lola, and the nostalgic pictures in the photo album, even though Lola in Model Shop had lost her spark for life. And it was really cool to see late 60's LA in film.
