

A huge amount of mines were used by Nazi during the world wars.
After the wars, someone had to remove them. German child soldiers were worked for it.

The scenes are so simple. Just removing the mines on the beach. But the story was so heavy and sad. I can see what the child soldiers felt what the sergeant felt.
The child soldiers believed that they will be able to go home when they finish this job one day. That made them keep doing this and that was the only wish they had.

Nazi is the worst that I have a thought in my mind and will have. On the other hand, there were like them who compensated other countries for what Nazi had done. I also shouldn't forget about this. Everyone had to sacrifice themselves for the wars.
That's a really shame. We all have to learn from the past and shouldn't do the same thing for us and the future.

This film made me feel tired in a good way.
