










That summer I was really afraid.
Even more than now.
I was happy because Luis loved me.
And that was beautiful.
And sometimes they scared me too.
Because he buried them.
It was like he didn't talk about everything that was happening.
At least that was my impression and that made me a little sad.
When he left in the evening because I used to stay thinking.
And imagined that terrible things were happening.
Until I fell asleep.
It's hard for me to sleep now.
I hear sounds and I imagine that someone tries to open a window.
I know that old houses creak.
But sometimes these sounds are really loud.
And they scare me a lot.
The worst things is that I don't dare go and look.
And I stay lying in bed with my eyes closed.
Then I open them.
I stare at the ceiling and it's impossible to fall asleep.
Sometimes the sounds last all night long.
And I start to see in my imagination the big hands and black hair of someone.
Who tries to come in through a window downstairs.
Sometimes I pray for this not to be true.
I ask for them to go into another house.
In the house next door.
And then I feel ashamed of asking something like that.
I came to the fountain and heard.
Only that.
I heard my name and I looked all over.
Nobody was there, so I got scared and I left.
I ran but I couldn't get in.
I couldn't find anyboy.
But then I found them.
The thing is, is that I don't like the neighbour.
Because he's very strange.
And during the nights, something strange sounded outside.
And I got scared.
Then I told them what I thought I saw.
It was in the grass.
It moved in the grass.
I told them that it was like a black animal.
It was a kind of wolf.
But it was strange, because it was kind of a man at the same time.
But she told me that it didn't matter.
It was only my imagination.
So I shouldn't be afraid.
Sometimes I think It was Luis trying to make a fool of me.
Pretending to be the wolfman.
Sometimes I think he was not pretending.
It was a sound like heavy stone feet outside.
Like dry branches.
And the breathing of a hole instead of a mouth.
The thing is, is that I don't like the neighbour.
Because he is very strange.
And he doesn't take care of his garden.
And when his dog died.
But it didn't really die.
They killed it with something hard beating it on the head.
So the neighbour came to talk.
And I open the door.
And this is so embarassing.
I don't dare to throw them away.
I never throw anything away.
That's why everything is a little messy.
It was strange not to find anybody and then I found them.
I didn't tell them anything.
Because I know what they would say.
They would say something like.
Liar, liar.
Lucia, the liar.
