



2023年 48/40本目 

This is such a great idea to do for this blockbuster movie!!
I got so emotional to see how they grew up with the film, and how actors interacted with each others🥹
Their friendship is 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Watched on flight, but I was tearing up
And actually cried when Emma talked about her hard time, and when 3 of them hugged each other at the end🥹😩😭❣️
The episode of them writing an essay about their characters are just too perfect!!
They are meant to be them!!

When it came out, I was still a child, so it did not matter who direct it. I had NO idea series were directed by several directors until recently even.
So it’s quite interesting to hear the stories for each series and how they interacted with each directors as well.
But I like magical and happy part so I watched 1st and 2nd one over and over and watched last few ones only once. Then I realized I did not remember some of the part lol
I need to watch them again for sure
The friendship among main 3 is just wholesome🥹
And so sad to see a few casts passed away including Michael Gambon recently
