
パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン 最後の海賊のKokiFのレビュー・感想・評価

This movie seriously could have used the Fast & Furious style of assembling a team and switching up the franchise into a new direction. You have all the people there! Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Barbosa, and now Henry and Carina. Why can't they do that??

This movie really feels like a repeated version of the first movie. Which was what all the sequels in this franchise has been. I admire that they've tried to shift the focus from Jack and focused on Will Turner's son. But if you were going to put the focus on him, why not bring back Will?? It's not like Orlando Bloom has been doing much lately anyway.

Jack Sparrow never has been an interesting character to me. I don't know why he's become such a pop culture icon. He's a drunk slob who never really lives up to his potential as the Captain / hero of this franchise. At this point it just feels like Johnny Depp playing Johnny Depp. It doesn't seem too special to see him in this role. Especially when he's been doing it in so many other movies too. Long Ranger...Alice....even Yoga Hosers.

Javier Bardem as Salazar would have been cool if he wasn't such a disposable one-movie bad guy. None of the villains have been able to live up to the charm that Geoffrey Rush's Barbosa had. Or even Bill Nighy's Davy Jones.

I'm kind of amazed how this franchise, 14 years after the first movie thinks it can still capture the adventurous spirit. They haven't been doing that in their previous sequels. This is such a highly overrated franchise, and I'm surprised that Disney doesn't really know what to do with this property also.
