
LION ライオン 25年目のただいまのミカポンタスのレビュー・感想・評価

Just have watched the movie LION and have remembered that I saw Dev Patel who played the main character in this movie at TIFF last September.

Lion is based on a true story that a five-year-old Indian boy gets lost in a station in India and he's adapted by an Australian couple. 25 years later, he tries to find his lost family by using Google Earth.
It was such an intriguing story and I obviously was crying in some scenes in the movie😢 I can't believe that's a real event but that is. I was so touched but I thought the problem such as lost children in India is a kind of shocking fact at the same time. And it reminds me when I watched Slam Dog Millionaire which was directed by Danny Boyle, and Indian people are so smart because some of them are from slam and they have to make full use of their brain to survive.


インド人題材の映画を観るとよく思うけど、貧困層で育った人々は特に、生き抜くための知恵を駆使して生活していかなければならない為か彼らは物凄く秀才。今作と同じく主演をDev Patelが務めたスラムドッグ・ミリオネアを思い出させる。

#lion #devpatel #rooneymara #nicolekidman #movie #thumbsup