

Robert Pattinson really wants to break out of his Twilight fame so bad doesn't he?

But in all seriousness, this was such a great role for him.
How he could play such an unlikable character but keeps us constantly amused by what kind of situation he's gonna get himself into next.

I really like these types of real time, one night movies where
characters find themselves in a series of events that unfold
very badly for them.

"Run All Night" and "Running Scared" are some great examples.

No one in this movie is particularly likable. Even his mentally challenged brother, who your supposed to feel sorry for, makes some pretty dumb choices.

This was also a movie that felt really authentic, from the locations to the extras that come and go.

In the end, the unpredictability of the story and the neon cinematography was what kept me invested in this movie.
