

The narrative was very appealing as we saw the events of the Khmer Rouge assuming power over Cambodia through the eyes of a 5 year-old. The depiction of the brutality is even more affecting as we see it through the eyes of a young girl. The story is clearly told without avoiding any of the brutal reality, as shocking scenes were witnessed by the 5 year-old sharpens the emotional punch. With the lead being so young gave myself some hand-holding during the unfolding of the events, as like many other viewers, knew very little of things that happened in Cambodia during the late 70’s.

Loungs father was a reoccurring feature of the film represented as the glue for his family. He was Loungs inspiration throughout the film, reappearing in her times of trauma, and moments of needed guidance. I believe that he was inspiring to her, as just like her father, she was able to adapt and lie in order to survive.

The ending however, was my favourite part. It had a schiendlers list feel to it, as it brings us to modern day with the siblings as they survived. Seeing the five siblings knelt praying from a long shot instantly brought me to tears. It was a moment of relief.
